Inflatable Bag Monsters

"Odd" architecture

some of "odd" and wonderful architecture from around the word...

The Basket Building (Ohio, USA)

Kansas City Library (Missouri, USA)

Kunsthaus (Graz, Austria)

Parking for Pedestrians

“Person Parking” designed by Springtime.

"The design is part of a competition called “Duepercinque” which aims to allot street space to more than just cars. The design by Springtime opts for a cement block with “Person Parking” signs."

Well, quite an interesting idea in the way of returning public space to the public. But I don't see anyone sitting in a crowded street on this parking spot. I think it is more suitable for a low traffic street. I feel already the heat and the fuel of the car...

main source click here

The Sandbag Shelters of Nader Khalili

how we can make, with few and natural resources, great space design, and at the same time, solve differents social problems, one of the principal motives and preocupations of modern architecture. 

The global need for housing includes millions of refugees and displaced persons – victims of natural disasters and wars. Iranian architect Nader Khalili believes that this need can be addressed only by using the potential of earth construction.

Gangster who built world's tallest log cabin

For the one-time gangster who built it, it is nothing less than "the eighth wonder of the world". The less charitably disposed dismiss it as a glorified barn, fire hazard and eyesore.
But on one thing everyone agrees: Nikolai Sutyagin's home is certainly different.

Dominating the skyline of Arkhangelsk, a city in Russia's far north-west, it is believed to be the world's tallest wooden house, soaring 13 floors to reach 144ft - about half the size of the tower of Big Ben. The house that Sutyagin built is also crumbling, incomplete and under threat of demolition from city authorities determined to end the former convict's eccentric 15-year project.

When Sutyagin began work on his dacha in 1992, he claims he was only intending to build a two-storey house - larger than those of his neighbours to reflect his position as the city's richest man, but certainly not a contender for the Guinness Book of Records.


You are looking at Apple's next iPhone. It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3GS. gizmodo got it. disassembled it an
d here are all the details.

What's new

• Front-facing video chat camera
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
• Camera flash
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x640 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
• Split buttons for volume
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

Every architect wants one and needs one

Diary : Introduction to Architecture [Emir Astar]

Showing a few pages of the diary. Consisting of impressions, researches, concepts and reflections.
-Work in progress-

Bizarre yet fascinating

Taking the exercise of using different materials to the next level. Plus, ever seen the symbiote in Spiderman 3? This clip shows a good example of where they might have get inspired from. 

nice animation

How to Make a Baby from Cassidy Curtis on Vimeo.

Google earths secrets

We all love to mess with google earth but have found these places?

The ipod wearing Indian.
Dubbed The Badlands Guardian by locals, this geological marvel
(Google Earth coordinates 50.010083,-110.113006) in Alberta, Canada, bears an uncanny resemblance to a human head wearing a full Native American headdress--and earphones, to boot. Of course, The Guardian was produced

The big pink rabbit from heaven?
Finding huge and unique things via Google Earth
is one of the most popular activities within the Google Earth community. This giant pink bunny (Google Earth coordinates 44.244273,7.769737) in Prata Nevoso, Italy, was built by a group of artists from Vienna,
according to published accounts. It's 200 feet long and answers to the name "Hare." (i have seen it in real life and believe me its impressive)

Do you want to see victoria falls? just visit google earth
Nothing can replace hopping in a plane and going somewhere, but Google Earth gives you a small taste of what you might see when you visit some of the world's tourist destinations. This spectacular shot shows Victoria Falls (Google Earth coordinates -17.925511,25.858223) on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

last but not least a sight where men go this is awesome and girls go so cute.
Google's satellites sometimes catch the Earth's inhabitants on the move, like these ten African elephants (Google Earth coordinates 10.903497,19.93229).

Should architects welcome a change of government?

Yes, says Chris Phillips, architects will benefit from Conservative proposals; while Paul Fletcher says the current government has a good track record. No, says Paul Fletcher, who has a different opinion on it.

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot

Showing at Barbican London. 
p/s: Popular = long queues. 

Bold, Experimental, Inventive

The current exhibition at Barbican Museum on architecture is highly recommended for anyone looking for a sense of innovation and bold-distinguished approach. Ron Arad : Restless ; an exhibition that brings 'thinking out of the box' to a whole new level. 

Optus Whale Song

What would happen if you could write a love song for a whale? 

Click the link below to discover more:
Come and sing with the whales~

beautiful japanese architectural photos

The Bible According to Google Earth

Scenes from the Bible have been imagined by countless artists over the centuries, but never quite like this. God's Eye View portrays four key Biblical events as if captured by Google Earth.

The Crucifixion.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Noah's Ark

Moses parting the Red Sea

“We like to disorientate audiences a little with all our work. And with this piece we felt technology now allows events which may or may not have happened to be visualized and made to appear dramatically real," say The Glue Society's James Dive. "As a method of representation satellite photography is so trusted, it has been interesting to mess with that trust."

japanese signs

blob VB3 by dmvA

belgian architectural firm
dmvA designed 'blob VB3', a mobile unit for the office of
xfactoragencies as an extension to the 'house'. the  space - egg house consists of a bathroom,
kitchen, lighting, a bed and several niches for storage. the nose can be opened automatically
and functions as a kind of porch. it easily transportable and can also be used as an office,
guestroom or garden house.

polyester was the primarily material used in construction of the 'blob VB3'.
photo by vercruysse frederik
photo by vercruysse frederik