Mark Rothko Black Series

Rothko Exhibition

For me one room stands out in particular, room number 6, probably because of its unfamiliarity and strangeness of the Black-Form paintings; as you get used to the maroon works of Rothko in the previous rooms, especially the Seagram murals. Which I tend to acquaint Rothko with. When you enter room 6 the familiar shapes and colours of Rothko, from the previous room is replaced by what seems emptiness at first glance, and a sense there nothing to see, just series of dark canvases arranged accordingly. When I started focusing at the painting, first curiously trying to work out what the artist was trying to portray, and also in search for the shapes that was present on the other paintings. After few minutes, I began to lose sense of time, and the painting gradually and literately came to life, revealing the different layers, tones, and also the familiar 'window' shape could be seen.  This interesting piece requires the audience to look at the painting to understand it and to completely appreciate it.


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